• Info@raisinghandsministries.org
  • www.raisinghandsministries.org

"Raising Up Pastors... Impacting Lives"

“It’s not enough for us to just say that we believe in Jesus Christ. We must do all that we can possibly do to make sure that the next generation believes in Jesus Christ.”

Founder & Executive Director RHMI

steve Ernest

Our Mission

Raising Hands Ministries is dedicated to uplifting the Body of Christ and its leadership, upon whom the world relies. Our mission revolves around empowering this leadership, with a primary focus on Sub-Saharan Africa, to skillfully guide their congregations, strengthen local churches, and spread the transformative message of the Kingdom of God globally. Through our initiatives encompassing conferences, seminars, counseling, instructional programs, support systems, and advocacy efforts, we establish enduring connections with numerous pastors and congregations, fostering meaningful and lasting relationships along this transformative journey.

Pastor opening a Bible

Pastors' Training Conferences

Global Theological Seminary

Evangelistic Crusades

Children's Outreach & Missions

See how you can make a difference in Africa

taking the Gospel out into the community to share its message has the potential to bring about a wide range of positive effects. From fostering unity and healing to promoting social change and empowerment, the Gospel’s impact reverberates through every aspect of the community, leaving behind a legacy of hope, transformation, and love.

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We are glad to introduce our app to you. RHMI-App is a modification of our website, making it easier for you to access our website on your mobile phone.

This App is currently available for download to android users only. However, we are working on creating a version for ios users too.

RHMI-App is available for download only via our website, but it will soon be available on the Google play store.

What people say

The Gospel has the power to transform lives.

Reaching remote communities in Africa with the gospel of Jesus Christ could have a profound and multifaceted impact on both the individuals within these communities and the broader society as a whole. This impact would extend beyond just religious and spiritual dimensions, touching upon various aspects of their lives – social, cultural, economic, and even educational.

Theological Training for Pastors and Church Leaders in Africa

Theological training for pastors and church leaders in Africa is crucial for maintaining doctrinal integrity, fostering effective leadership, addressing cultural nuances, and nurturing vibrant and spiritually mature congregations. As the Church in Africa continues to grow and play an influential role in society, investing in theological education is an investment in the present and future of African Christianity.
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Support God's Work in Africa

We Believe that We can reach More Lives with you

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Promoting peace is essential for saving lives. Many regions in Africa are affected by conflict, violence, and instability. As Christians, we are called to be peacemakers and agents of reconciliation. By advocating for peace, encouraging dialogue, and fostering understanding between different groups, we contribute to a safer environment that allows individuals to thrive and flourish.


Donations provide practical support that can have a direct impact on saving lives. Financial contributions can fund essential resources such as medical care, clean water, food, education, and vocational training. Donations to reputable Christian organizations and humanitarian initiatives enable them to carry out life-saving work on the ground, addressing immediate needs and promoting long-term sustainable development.


Instilling hope is a powerful way to save lives. By sharing the message of God's love, mercy, and redemption, we offer a source of inspiration and strength to individuals facing challenging circumstances. Through the Gospel, we provide the assurance that no situation is beyond redemption, offering a lifeline of hope that can transform lives and lead to healing and restoration.


Prayer is a fundamental way to impact Africa. By lifting up the continent, its people, leaders, and challenges in prayer, we invite God's intervention and guidance. Prayer connects us to the heart of God and invites His transformative power into the lives of individuals, communities, and nations. Through prayer, we can intercede for healing, protection, wisdom, and positive change across Africa.

"Raise a hand... impact a life"

volunteers play an indispensable role in delivering the Gospel to remote communities in Africa, providing a powerful and personalized means of support for organizations like Raising Hands Ministries. Through their presence, dedication, and commitment to serving both physical and spiritual needs, volunteers contribute to holistic transformation, meaningful relationships, and the extension of God’s love to those who need it most.




Who we are

Raising Hands Ministries was started by a pastor with a vision to raise the weary hands of pastors around the world and specifically in East Africa. We conduct pastor training conferences, sports ministries, evangelistic crusades, church leadership training, Bible distribution, food and hygiene distribution, preach in village churches and schools, and providing teaching, preaching, and counseling ministries at the Global Theological Seminary in Uganda. The IRS recognizes Raising Hands Ministries International, Inc. as a 501(3)(c) entity.

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    monthly recurring donations to Raising Hands Ministries are essential for sustaining, expanding, and deepening the impact of theological training among pastors and church leaders in remote locations across Africa. By committing to consistent support, donors become partners in a transformative journey that equips and empowers leaders to effectively spread the Gospel, nurture spiritual growth, and bring lasting positive change to their congregations and communities.

    • Supports Bible training of Pastors and Church Leaders.
    • Feeding Pastors and Church Leaders during trainings.
    • Supports Acquisition of study Materials and resources.
    • Establishment of more training centers.
    • Transport for Pastors.
    • Emergency Medical Care for Pastors

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