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Book Title: Ecclesiastes

Book Author: Traditionally attributed to Solomon

Date Written: Around 935 B.C.

Key Verses: Ecclesiastes 1:2, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

Book Summary

Ecclesiastes explores the meaning of life and the human experience, often expressing a sense of futility and questioning the value of human efforts apart from God. It concludes with the affirmation that fearing God and keeping His commandments is the ultimate purpose of life.

Historical Context

Written during Solomon's later years, Ecclesiastes reflects a period of introspection and philosophical inquiry, addressing the complexities and apparent contradictions of life in a fallen world.

Discussion Questions

1. How does Ecclesiastes challenge us to find meaning and purpose in life beyond earthly pursuits?

2. What can we learn from the author's observations about the transient nature of wealth, pleasure, and achievements?

3.How does the conclusion of Ecclesiastes (fear God and keep His commandments) shape our understanding of true fulfillment?


Book Highlight: Reflects on the meaning of life, emphasizing the futility of worldly pursuits and the importance of fearing God.


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