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Book Title: Habakkuk

Book Author: Habakkuk

Date Written: Around 609-605 B.C.

Key Verses: Habakkuk 2:4, Habakkuk 3:17-19

Book Summary

Habakkuk dialogues with God, questioning His justice in allowing evil to prosper and using Babylon as an instrument of judgment. The book concludes with a profound affirmation of faith and trust in God's sovereignty.

Historical Context

Habakkuk prophesied during a time of increasing Babylonian power and moral decline in Judah, grappling with the perplexing realities of divine justice and human suffering.

Discussion Questions

1. How do Habakkuk's questions and God's responses address our own struggles with understanding divine justice?

2. What can we learn from Habakkuk's journey from doubt to faith in God's plan?

3. How does Habakkuk's expression of trust in God amid uncertainty inspire us in our own faith?


Book Highlight: Questions God’s justice but ultimately trusts in His sovereignty.


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