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Book Title: Zechariah

Book Author: Zechariah

Date Written: Around 520-470 B.C.

Key Verses: Zechariah 4:6, Zechariah 9:9

Book Summary

Zechariah combines visions, prophecies, and messages to encourage the returned exiles to complete the temple and remain faithful. The book includes messianic prophecies and visions of God's ultimate victory.

Historical Context

Like Haggai, Zechariah prophesied during the post-exilic period, addressing the challenges and hopes of the Jewish community as they rebuilt the temple and anticipated future restoration.

Discussion Questions

1.How do Zechariah's visions and messages encourage perseverance and faithfulness in difficult times?

2. What can we learn from the messianic prophecies in Zechariah about Jesus and God's redemptive plan?

3. How does Zechariah's emphasis on spiritual renewal and God's sovereignty inspire us today?


Book Highlight: Encourages the returnees with visions of future blessing and the coming Messiah.


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