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  • www.raisinghandsministries.org
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Alex Muzira
Volunteer / Pastor
Social Worker
Servant of God

Pastor Muzira Alex exemplifies the profound impact of unwavering faith and determination. Hailing from a community that once dismissed his potential, he emerged from adversity to become a beacon of hope, spirituality, and guidance for many. Today, Alex is not only a devoted servant of God but also a beloved leader at the True Faith and Deliverance Ministries Church in Mukono.

Life did not always favor Alex. The challenges of his childhood seemed insurmountable, but they only strengthened his resolve and drew him closer to God. Instead of succumbing to despair, he chose service and devotion, demonstrating that even in adversity, one can find purpose and direction.

Equipped with a degree in theology from the Global Theological Seminary, Pastor Alex possesses an in-depth understanding of the Bible and its teachings. His educational background has been instrumental in his role as a pastor and biblical counselor.

Beyond his pastoral duties, Pastor Alex holds an esteemed position at Raising Hands. As the in-charge of the Raising Hands Bible Institute locations in Uganda, he plays a pivotal role in fostering spiritual growth and leadership. He ensures that pastors and church leaders affiliated with the RHBI receive rigorous biblical education. Under his supervision, the curriculum is strictly observed across all the institute’s locations, ensuring consistency and quality in teaching.

Alex’s role as a pastor and leader also showcases his talent and passion as a social worker. His innate ability to connect with people is evident in the love and respect he garners from the community. His counseling sessions are highly sought after, drawing from both his theological knowledge and his compassionate nature.

Do not let Pastor Alex’s modest demeanor deceive you. Beneath the calm exterior lies a passionate soul, unwavering in his commitment to spreading the gospel and supporting rural pastors and church leaders. His faith is unwavering: he loves Jesus with all his heart, and in turn, feels the immense love of Christ in his life.

Pastor Muzira Alex is more than just a church leader; he is a symbol of hope, resilience, and God’s boundless love. Through his journey and work, he inspires countless others to believe in themselves and the transformative power of faith.